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Payments 付款

How do I pay for my order?

At the moment you can only pay with credit cards, such as:

• MasterCard
• VISA credit card

Payment with Credit Card

All payments are subject to validation and authorization by both the card issuer/credit company and us to maintain security and to prevent fraud. Payment security has a very high priority. Therefore all information is sent through encrypted servers (SSL/HTTPS). This system prevents your credit card from being fraudulently used by others. Fenix never saves any information regarding your credit card.

When will I be charged?

If you pay with a credit card, your card will be authorized when you place your order, and you will receive an email confirming that your order has been successful. We will not charge your card until we process your order and ship it from our warehouse.

If your card is not authorized, no charge will appear, and you will be notified immediately on the screen that the payment was unsuccessful. You will be asked to provide another method of payment.



• MasterCard
• VISA credit card


所有付款都需要發卡機構/信用卡公司和我們進行驗證和授權,以保證安全並防止欺詐。支付安全性為非常高的優先級別。因此,所有信息都通過加密侍服器發送。此系統可防止您的信用卡被其他人欺詐使用。 Fenix從不保存有關您的信用卡的任何資料。




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