

One of the world’s best outdoor fabrics
G-1000 is Fjällräven’s own hardwearing and versatile fabric, a well-proven outdoor classic that will prepare you for all types of adventures, in all climates all year round – from the tropics to the polar regions. The densely woven fabric (65% polyester and 35% cotton of the highest quality) is treated with Greenland Wax. This combination makes G-1000 one of the world’s best outdoor fabrics with a number of strong properties:
• Hardwearing G-1000 is very resistant to wear, and this in combination with its low weight makes it an excellent choice for both travelling and outdoor life.
• Water resistant Greenland Wax makes G-1000 garments very resistant to rain and moisture. This means that you can wear them during brief rain showers. If the fabric gets wet, it will dry fast.
• Windproof The dense weave makes G-1000 almost totally windproof. Once impregnated with Greenland Wax it offers complete protection against biting winds.
• Breathability One of G-1000’s most impressive qualities is its excellent ventilation – it efficiently releases moisture from the body, which is particularly practical when partaking in strenuous activities.
• UV protection The fabric provides almost 100% protection against the sun’s ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) and therefore greatly reduces the risk of sunburn.
• Mosquito safe The tight weave keeps mosquitoes and other flying insects away from your skin – practical both in the mountains and the forest, or when travelling in hot climates. (Note that G-1000 Lite is not mosquito safe.)
G-1000是Fjällräven自行研發的耐磨透氣布料,是通過考驗的戶外經典用料,從熱帶地區到極地,適用於一年四季各種探險活動。這種密實的布料(65%聚酯纖維和35%棉紗混紡)以Greenland Wax上蠟處理,完美的組合使得G-1000成為世界上最優異的戶外專用布料,具有下列幾個強項:
• 耐穿:G-1000的耐磨性佳,搭配其輕量特性,使之成為旅遊和戶外生活的絕佳選擇。
• 抗水: 以Greenland Wax上蠟處理之後,G-1000服飾具備強大的抗水特性(非完全防水),可於短暫陣雨中穿著,即使淋濕也能快速乾燥。
• 防風:G-1000的紮實結構使其幾乎完全不透風,輔以Greenland Wax做防水處理之後,可完全阻隔凜冽的寒風。
• 透氣:G-1000令人印象深刻的一個特質在於優異的透氣性,可有效排除身體濕氣,對於從事激烈運動來說特別實用。
• 抗UV:G-1000可百分之百阻絕陽光紫外線(含UVA與UVB),因此可大為降低曬傷的風險。
• 防蚊蟲: G-1000的編織非常緊密,蚊蟲無法接觸皮膚,特別適合山上和森林活動,或者是熱帶地區旅行。(請注意G-1000 Lite不防蚊蟲)