
G-1000 Air
Increased airiness – ideal for summer trekking
• Un-waxed for greater ventilation
• Lightweight
• Made from sustainable materials
With G-1000 Air we’ve taken warm climate trekking up a notch. This extra lightweight material is even airier than G-1000 Lite, as it has a looser weave and it’s not waxed, allowing for much better airflow. Although this does mean it no longer offers resistance to wet and windy weather or mosquitos. It is airy, comfortable and dries in the blink of an eye. Products made in G-1000 Air are designed for heat, blazing sun and other variables that come with new adventures. Light, highly breathable and durable. G-1000 Air is unwaxed to ensure the best possible airflow and is made from recycled polyester and organic cotton.
增強通風 - 適合夏天行山
• 不上蠟,增加通風
• 輕量
• 採用可持續材料製成
為溫暖的氣候下行山體驗升級,我們使用G-1000 Air。這種超輕質材料比G-1000 Lite更加輕盈,因為它具有更寬鬆的編織而且沒有打蠟,可以提供更好的透氣。雖然這確實意味著它不再能夠抵抗潮濕多風的天氣或蚊子。但它通風,舒適,速乾。 G-1000 Air製造的產品設計用於熾熱的太陽和多變數的新冒險。輕便,高透氣性,經久耐用。 G-1000 Air由回收的聚酯纖維和有機棉製成,不需要上蠟,以確保最佳的透氣。