Material guides 材質指南
MT, Micro Travel
Cool, quick-drying and wrinkle-free
Micro Travel (MT) is a fabric we have developed in-house for activities in warmer climates. It combines the lightweight, durable durable micro polyamide fiber with cool, combed cotton. What makes MT so popular is that it keeps you fresh thanks to its extreme breathability - which in turn guarantees that your garments will be dry and you will be cool and comfortable. Unnecessary weight should be avoided at all costs when travelling, which is why MT is made to weigh as little as possible. It is also more or less wrinkle-free.
Our MT garments also have a number of smart pocket solutions and functions that will make things easier for you while on your adventure.
MT"s main features:
Quick-drying: MT products are extremely breathable, which guarantees that they will stay dry and keep you cool. Clothes made from MT dry approximately three times faster than comparable cotton products.
Lightweight and wrinkle-free: MT weighs practically nothing and is almost wrinkle-free. This means that MT garments are ideal for travelling and adventures in warm climates.
UV protection: MT is a protective fabric that blocks almost all UV radiation, including both alpha and beta rays. MT offers twice the protection of cotton.
Micro Travel (MT)是我們針對溫暖地區活動所自行研發的布料,由輕量耐久的微聚醯胺纖維和涼爽的精梳棉混紡而成。MT布料之所以如此受歡迎,原因在於其絕佳的透氣性,能讓人感到清新舒適,正因為衣物的透氣性夠,所以能隨時保持乾燥,藉此帶來涼快和舒服的感受。旅行時無論如何都要減輕不必要的重量,因此MT布料也以輕量為主,同時具備些許防皺能力。
快乾: 採用MT布料的產品具有絕佳的透氣性,可隨時保持乾燥,為您帶來涼爽的感受。同樣的衣物,採用MT布料的乾燥速度約是棉料的三倍。
輕量、抗皺: MT非常輕量,幾乎完全防皺。意味著MT服飾極適合作為溫暖地區的旅行和冒險服飾。
抗UV: MT是一種防護性的材質,幾乎完全阻隔紫外線穿透,可同時抗UVA和UVB。MT的抗UV防護力是棉的兩倍。