Material guides 材質指南

Material guides 材質指南
Functional, durable and timeless
We develop many of the fabrics we use either in-house or in close cooperation with our partners. Thanks to many years of experience in the outdoors, we believe we know what it takes to produce durable, functional fabrics. This experience serves as the foundation for our product development - knowledge about the products themselves and their actual use.
Durability, our most basic requirement
There is one basic requirement we prioritize above all others - that our fabrics can withstand tough treatment over a very long period of time. We believe that our clothes and equipment should be able to accompany you through the years, be put to the test time and time again and never fail to meet your expectations and requirements, so that one day they can become your grandchildren"s favorites. This is why many people call our equipment "generation products", a name we are happy to accept.
Different types of fabric
In order to meet different needs we use different types of fabrics - all of which are specifically designed for use in the outdoors. On this page you can read more about our fabrics and their special features, from durable, adaptable G-1000 and the cool, quick-drying MicroTravel to our high quality down and legendary Vinylon F.
為了迎合不同的需求,我們運用了多種布料,皆是為了戶外生活所精心設計。我們在本頁面說明了布料的種類和它們的特性,從耐久、適用範圍廣的G-1000布料,到涼爽快乾的MicroTravel布料,甚至我們的頂級羽絨和傳奇的Vinylon F布料,都有詳細介紹。